
About Jason Junker

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So far Jason Junker has created 31 blog entries.

March 2024

Davy Jones Loves the Ozark Tour


“Jack, I’ve driven every major track in the world, and I’ve never had more fun behind the wheel of a car than on this trip.” Our trips have been honored by the presence of Davy Jones. Just in case you’re not familiar with Davy Jones (not the Monkee), let me enlighten you. In 1996 Davy [...]

Davy Jones Loves the Ozark Tour2024-03-02T19:56:04+00:00

Radio Station WIIFM (What’s in it for Me?)


Being at the higher end of touring, one must question the value of what is being offered. How about the following? A 170-page book of instructions, recommendations, and sound advice. A first night safety lecture based on common sense. 40 plus years of organized touring experience. Selection of driving teams based on ability, preference, and [...]

Radio Station WIIFM (What’s in it for Me?)2024-03-02T20:12:26+00:00

June 2023

It’s Better To Ask a Silly Question


Several years ago, a West Coast advertising agency was researching Porsche in preparation for pitching the Porsche Cars of North America account. Contacting Porsche Cars North America personnel was not permitted. Instead, five managers of Porsche dealerships were recommended as knowledgeable sources. I happened to be one of them and had already met with one [...]

It’s Better To Ask a Silly Question2023-06-21T03:37:33+00:00

September 2022

The Boxster Rebellion


The one-two punch of the 1995 911 followed by the 1997 Boxster put Porsche back in the driver’s seat after nearly going out of business in the early 1990’s. In fact, during the early years of Boxster sales, the full-list sale of a Boxster would bring down the average gross profit of Porsches due to [...]

The Boxster Rebellion2022-09-06T18:10:47+00:00

Mystery Of Sales Success


One of life’s mysteries is why an aggressive salesperson with virtually no product knowledge can out-sell a polished, polite, articulate product specialist on a technically intricate vehicle? To understand and convey Porsche engineering to a client requires a thorough working knowledge of the product. The answer came to me years ago, but even then, I [...]

Mystery Of Sales Success2022-09-06T18:11:16+00:00

Insights Into Selling


Never let a bad prospect make you a bad salesman. Never be the last person to speak with a prospect. Spend more time qualifying. Prescription without diagnosis is malpractice. Do not knock the competition unless asked to. Point out Porsche advantages based on your qualifying. Separate Porsche from the competition with quality, reliability, active safety, [...]

Insights Into Selling2022-09-06T18:12:59+00:00

August 2022

Deficit Marketing


Deficit Marketing is the result of marketing efforts that have a negative impact on the desired results. An example of this is the doctor who makes cold-calls and says, “Hi, I’m a doctor, how would you like an operation?” While short term gains may be realized, the practice of over emphasizing immediacy, i.e., discounting, inevitably [...]

Deficit Marketing2022-09-06T18:13:21+00:00

The Demonstration


A preemptive strike can settle a client down before going on a demo ride. This is not the stoplight Grand Prix. There is nothing worse than a white-knuckled experience and hoping that you’ll make it back to the dealership in one piece. Impress upon your client that driving at more than 7/10’s, survivability becomes paramount. [...]

The Demonstration2022-09-06T18:13:45+00:00

Enhance The Experience


In order to fully appreciate anything, learning the intricacies from an expert is always the best way to go. Imagine learning how to experience wine tasting from a true connoisseur. Being able to distinguish the nuances between particularly good and truly exceptional, brings a sense of accomplishment and joy to the experience. The automotive equivalent [...]

Enhance The Experience2022-09-06T18:14:22+00:00

Commitment To Buy


This is the most crucial step in the selling process. Without this step, failure is assured. Even when the client has been persistent in repeating that they’re not a buyer, the salesperson must pursue a positive answer. “I know you’ve told me you’re not buying today, so help me understand your hesitancy.” Use open ended [...]

Commitment To Buy2022-09-06T18:14:47+00:00
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