Harmony is accordance, agreement, conformity, internal calm (tranquility), and congruence. It is a result of everything going right and being in its proper place at the precise time.

The Universe is all about geometry with math being a universal language. Part of this is resonance, vibrations, where frequencies determine harmony. As the Moody Blues (a singing group) once said, “It’s a Question of Balance.” The arts are appreciated in terms of beauty, symmetry, and balanced harmonious forms. Porsche’s engineering cultural focuses on just such relationships.

In medicine we are now learning that disease can be explained in terms of organs either being in harmony (the same frequency) or being out of balance and not functioning as intended (dis-ease). While science seems to be concentrating chemical cures, some misunderstood diseases can only be treated by relieving symptoms rather than regaining harmony. Tension, anxiety, pain, and discomfort are created by a lack of harmony.

In its quest for harmony in automotive terms, Porsche engineering constantly searches for better answers to provide the best possible driving experience. Porsche’s think tank in Weissach is the evolution of the Porsche company Ferdinand Porsche started in 1931.

Ergonomics is the science of matching the human body to mechanical objects. It has been said that Porsche steering is telepathic. When one thinks of changing direction, the Porsche responds with uncanny precision. There is a linear, precise response to the movement of the steering wheel. Porsche steering has also been referred to as telepathic.

Porsche brakes respond with the same precision and linearity. The feel of the brake pedal gives the driver the same type of confidence as experienced with the interaction of the steering wheel and change of direction. Early Dodge Vipers found an after-market braking system for track drivers. They took a set of 911 brakes and adapted them for the Viper. Currently manufacturers of other performance vehicles now follow Porsche’s lead and source their brakes from Brembo.

While Porsche provides the driver with supreme confidence and harmony in the driving experience, it is road feel (the interaction between the tires and pavement) that defines the limits of adhesion and ultimate safety. That relationship is transmitted through the steering wheel, seat, and pedals giving drivers supreme confidence in their inputs. Porsche has created a virtual central nervous system, communicating road conditions to the driver in an unobtrusive way.

Systems engineering is the practice of matching different sub-systems to produce a result greater than the sum of the individual parts. This is the definition of synergy. Porsche engineers have always worked toward this end. Like a fine-tuned athlete, legs and arms must be tied together with a fine set of core muscles to attain peak performance.

Here is where bean-counter comparisons fail to tell the whole story. 300 horsepower in a Porsche is much more than 300 HP in competitors. The measuring standard is not wrong, Porsche just finds ways to put the 300 HP to better use.

Several articles have inferred that Porsches have soul. What do they mean? Soul has been defined as the immaterial essence of a being or object. Call it what you like, but the greatest works of man are said to have divine inspiration. When a mechanical object seems to have a life of its own, it has surpassed what has been thought to be possible.

Porsche engineers have bestowed a sense of communication between its vehicles and their drivers. The Porsche virtually tells the driver what the exact relationship is between its tires and the road’s surface. It allows for minute, exact adjustments that will not upset the balance of the vehicle. This baked-in harmony separates Porsche from other automobiles.

Active safety, otherwise known as Primary Safety, involves driver input and the ability to avoid employing Passive safety, the vehicles’ ability to protect its occupants. It is the driver’s input and well-informed judgement that prevents the need to employ safety cells and deformation zones. While others are bragging about how well they crashed, the Porsche has avoided that eventuality. Not to worry, when needed, Porsche’s passive safety is second to none.

Magazines recognize Porsche virtues (engineering) and sing its praise, but somehow, neglect to carry the thought through to its logical conclusion. An article on the latest generation Cayenne vs. BMW X5 concluded that some drivers will be willing to pay a premium for the Cayenne’s superior performance. It does cost more to have an SUV with quicker lap times, a result of acceleration, braking and handling.

True, several drivers considering an SUV think the performance margins of the Porsche are overkill and unnecessary. Performance, however, is the same as Primary, or Active Safety. Accident avoidance is the application of performance. Herein lies the whole truth. Porsche’s performance (primary safety) has permitted its driver to avoid the body shop.

The driver must be well informed with the ability avoid situations requiring passive safety. The vehicle needs to communicate road conditions affording the driver options and the ability to employ the virtues of superior performance (active safety). While every Porsche accomplishes this end, customers only know this if they are told.

Styling must also be harmonious. Porsche’s philosophy of evolving its model’s benefits resale and is a testimony to getting it right the first time. Form follows function is another principal to which Porsche strictly adheres.

The Porsche and driver have harmony, becoming one. The Porsche is now an extension of the driver’s will. This can only be accomplished by an engineering culture searching for a harmonious conclusion to whatever the challenge. Porsches represent an art form both in aesthetics and engineering. It allows Porsche to justify the claim, “We don’t just sell transportation, we sell lifestyle.”